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Campus Safety

Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act

Union College complies with the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990. Federal law requires the college to issue a yearly report of on-campus incidents of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft, as well as the number of arrests that occurred for liquor law and drug abuse violations and weapons possessions. Statistics reported are those brought to the attention of the vice president for Student Life. Incidents reported directly to authorities would not necessarily be included in that report. A copy of the policies and procedures followed by the college is available in the Student Life office and online.

Crisis Response Plan

Union College is committed to supporting the safety and welfare of all its students, faculty, staff and visitors. Preparing and maintaining an effective Incident Response Plan, as well as allocating the required resources to implement it, are among the ways the college maintains this commitment and mission.

This college will continue to support planning which does the following:

  • Maximizes safety, health and environmental initiatives.

  • Minimizes risk of injury and property loss.

  • Cooperates with all external partners and agencies.

  • Develops resilient pre-planning activities.

  • Provides for a prompt and effective response to applicable incidents.

  • Supports strategies for continuity of operations and restoration of normal activities promptly following an incident.

  • Ensures appropriate communications and notifications within the College, the community and beyond.

  • Supports Incident Management Planning internally and with external partners.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State of Nebraska have both adopted this approach. The plan is consistent with this approach and is structured to integrate well with external authorities and their planning. Copies of the Crisis Response plan may be found in the offices of all administrators, deans, and department heads. The plan is also posted on the college website.

Safety Regulations

Fireworks, candles, open-flame lamps, incense, or any other items that produce flames have been designated as “fire hazards” and are not to be used in residence halls. A $50 fine and/or replacement costs may be assessed for violation of this policy. Rees Hall has kitchenettes for cooking. Cooking appliances such as electric skillets are to be used in kitchenettes, not in student rooms. Irons should only be used in laundry rooms. Hot plates are not to be used in the dorms. Extension cords and multiple plug-ins are not to be used. The Fire Marshall recommends a fused multiple-plug safety strip. Due to recent fire hazard warnings, halogen lamps are not allowed.


Fire Drill and Equipment

Students should acquaint themselves with the fire exit route chart posted in each dorm room. When a fire alarm sounds, residence halls are to be vacated immediately. Close all windows, leaving the room door unlocked allowing the resident assistant to be certain that rooms are not occupied. If it is safe to do so, assist any fellow student needing help to the nearest exit. Follow the posted exit charts to designated meeting areas that will be announced for each wing/floor.


Remain in your designated area until the alarm ceases to sound or until an “all clear” announcement is made. Any student refusing to leave the dorm during a fire drill is subject to discipline and a $100 fine.

Charges will be made for removal of fire escape signs posted in the student rooms or hallways. Fines may be levied for use of, or tampering with, fire protection equipment and security surveillance equipment. This includes removing batteries from smoke detectors. Such activity is a violation of campus, city, and state fire ordinances, and may be handled by the city authorities.



Vandalism to public areas of residence halls, e.g. holes in the wall, burns in the carpet, may be assessed to residents of the floor where such damage occurred, if individuals responsible for the damage are not discovered and charged. Vandalism to any part of campus will be charged to the person responsible.



Weapons such as firearms, explosives, BB or pellet guns, 3”or longer knives, lasers or other weapons are not allowed at Union College and are to be left at home. These items will be confiscated when found in a student’s possession, and the local authorities may be involved.