Alcohol and Drug Prevention Policy
Union College is committed to providing an educational environment which is conducive to the development of every student. As a Seventh Day Adventist institution, Union College believes in a lifestyle that is drug and alcohol free, it has established a policy that seeks to maintain a campus environment free of these substances.
In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the college prohibits the unlawful use, possession, distribution, dispensing, or manufacture of controlled substance by its students and employees. Further, the college requires individuals receiving federal funding to certify that they will not engage in the unlawful use, possession, distribution, dispensing, or manufacture of controlled substances while associated with the college.
Union College reserves the right to investigate violations of this policy by students, employees or faculty where reasonable suspicion exists. This includes the right to search an office, locker, vehicle, residence hall room, clothing, briefcase, backpack, or handbag, and the right to require an appropriate test, and/or confirmation by re-test.
No search will be made without the prior authorization of a Residence Hall Dean, Director of Campus Safety, a Vice President, or the President of Union College. Any search or required testing will be treated with high confidentiality.
Policy Statement
Union College follows the Seventh day Adventist beliefs and is committed to a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle for students. The possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing, of alcohol, tobacco, or a controlled substance, as well as the use of prescription drugs without a prescription, by a student on or off campus while enrolled at Union College is prohibited. This shall be viewed as an act of misconduct and shall be subject to disciplinary action, whether on or off campus. This policy also includes e-cigarettes, vaping, hookah, and various other types of devices. Selling or giving alcohol to minors is illegal and will be reported to law enforcement authorities. The college reserves the right to report any unlawful substance use.
Violation of this policy by students, staff or faculty on college property or as part of any college activity may lead to sanctions within the college. The severity of which shall increase as the seriousness of the violation increases. Sanctions may include but are not limited to the following:
• A verbal or written reprimand;
• Completion of an appropriate educational or rehabilitation program;
• A disciplinary warning, with notice that repetition of the offense or continuation of the offence may result in a more serious sanction;
• Suspension from the college (student) or from employment (employee) or from a specified college activity or facility for a fixed period or until completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program;
• Expulsion from the college (student) or termination of employment (faculty or staff); and/or other appropriate sanctions.
External Sanctions
Possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of alcohol or illicit drugs may lead to a referral to the appropriate local, state, and/or federal authorities for prosecution for a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the nature of the offense. The sanctions for such offenses may include fines and/or imprisonment. Many physical and psychological health risks are associated with the abuse of alcohol and other substances, including the following:
• Difficulty with attention and learning
• Physical and psychological dependence
• Damage to the brain, liver, and heart
• Unwanted sexual activity
• Accidents due to impaired judgment and coordination
Union College provides a healthy and safe learning environment. The college does not permit students whose behavior, judgment, or functioning is impaired by alcohol and/or drugs to attend classes or participate in college activities. The Campus Health Office provides referral services but no direct treatment for alcohol or drug related problems.
Community resources for these services include:
Lincoln Wellness Group
8101 O St #300
Lincoln, NE 68510
Choices Treatment Center
127 S. 37th St.
Suite B Lincoln, NE 68506
1640 L St., Suite C
Lincoln, NE 68506
First Step Recovery
1919 S 40th St #212
Lincoln, NE 68506