Date: October 29, 2020
Subject: It's October 29; Good Morning Union
“Seek first…” Matthew 6:33
Another category of texts I found from my father might be called, “Absolute focus on the Savior.” Focus, focus, focus; it’s SO easy to get distracted. Jesus gave this clarifying reminder of how to stay focused when He preached His Sermon on the Mount. Tradition says it was preached on a hillside to a crowd on the north side of the Sea of Galilee not far from the city of Capernaum, the city Jesus called “home.” I climbed the hill that at least represented the location of that sermon site and recited that sermon as I looked out over that sea. It was a moving experience for me to think that I was at least close to the actual place where Jesus first delivered this message.
I used to see this text as sort of a spiritual blank check; “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and ALL THESE THINGS will be added unto you.” “All these things…” sounded a lot like “You seek me and I’ll give you whatever you want.” As I “sought Him” and did NOT receive everything I wanted I had a time of doubting the validity of God’s Word, and then I read the context and, like SO OFTEN happens, I discovered truth and not selfish interpretation for personal gain.
Just before this famous text Jesus talks about food, drink and clothing—“Why are you anxious about your food… consider the birds of the air… and why are you anxious about clothing… consider the lilies of the field how they grow.” I read it for myself—Matthew 6:25-32 and then, without stopping, read verse 33. It became not a blank check but an assurance that if my priorities in life are centered around Him, He’ll take care of all my needs (and MAYBE even some of my wants!). I don’t have to be anxious or worried, He’ll take care of me! Focus on Him; He’ll take care of me. Seek Him first; nothing to worry or be anxious about. Do it with all my heart; the security and safely might just be proportionally distributed!
Have a great day focusing on Him first, then don’t be anxious,
Pastor Rich
Quote for the day: "You may think you can live fine without Christ, but you cannot afford to die without Him." - C. H. Spurgeon
PS uGather @ 10:30-12:30--come and go. The 2020 Career and Graduate School Fair is today in the Krueger Center starting at 10:30 a.m. with both in-person and online components. This is a great opportunity to explore your professional options and calling, and network with those who can help you become a reality. uGather credit will be given for attending.
PPS Marcus Larivaux, pastor from Allon Chapel, will be in Campus Ministries this afternoon from 1-3 to offer additional pastoral support. You can make an appointment by contacting Pastor Larivaux at or mobile 862 600 8399 or just stop by. We are very grateful that we can offer a variety of pastoral counseling for you.
PPPS Prayer Warriors @ 6:30 and 7 in the ad building amphitheater. Come let us pray for you or pray together with you.