From: David Kabanje
Date: March 3, 2022
Subject: GMU: Substitutionary Grace


Beautiful People, 
Jesus wants us to learn from Him. “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). Christ’s method of dealing with people and difficult situations are models for us. He was and is our example in all things. Christ was tempted in every way that we are tempted, yet He did not sin (Hebrews 4:15). What a great example to leave behind; however, His life was not only an example, it was also a substitution. The latter is imperative in understanding how we are to learn from Christ. Christ’s every thought, impulse, and response were centered on one thing—His love for His Father. 

Jesus not only showed us the true character of the Father, He displayed actions that were aligned with His knowledge and love of the Father. His exemplary work redefined what it meant to be “human,” while His substitutionary work gave us freedom from self-serving love, death, and sin. In other words, Christ taught us what we ought to be and provided the power to become it—dearly loved children of God. Now, because of Christ’s example and substitutionary work, we can learn to live righteously, mercifully, and humbly. Because of Christ, we can love the Father and act from that love. All of this is possible with faith—faith in the extraordinary character of Jesus Christ.