From: David Kabanje
Date: February 21, 2022
Subject: GMU: Draw Me Close to You

Draw Me Close 

Beautiful People,

I hope you are starting this week with the full assurance of God’s love for you. If you are not, here is a reminder, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3). If there were one theme I could examine and study for eternity, it would be God’s sacrificial love for sinners. If we carefully examine Scripture, we will find a God progressively drawing nearer to His creation with intentionality. Look at how He cares for Adam and Eve after their fall. He draws near in the cool of the day and asks, “Where are you?” In this instance, God displays a greater need to be close to His hurting children than to judge or scorn them. In fact, how often do we allow the Devil’s lies to corrupt and warp our vision of God into a tyrannical heavenly executioner and judge? God is in the business of drawing near to His children, whereas the Devil is in the business of causing emotional, spiritual, and psychological division between God and us.

God’s desire to be one with us is so great that at the end of this Great Controversy, Heaven, the capital of the universe, will be on earth! But it gets even sweeter than that. God’s desire to progressively move close to us brings Him to the most intimate part of our lives—our hearts. God is not looking to rule our hearts with fear, shame, and guilt. He is looking to rule our hearts with unconditional divine sacrificial love. The God of the universe wants to make your heart His home, and the best part is that you don’t have to renovate it—He wants your heart just the way it is! The renovation process is His business; He just wants to love you and draw you in with unfailing kindness. What happens afterward is a reciprocal nature of you showing love and unfailing kindness to those that have not yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that are still living in darkness. God loves us and empowers us to love others so that they may know that there is a God who desires to draw near to them with unconditional, sacrificial love and unfailing kindness. What a beautiful gospel to preach.