Date: April 21, 2021
Subject: It's April 21; Good Morning Union



“There is no temptation to overtake you… because God is faithful.”           1 Corinthians 10:13


My dad was pretty much a “by the book,” no nonsense kind of guy. WWII veteran and survivor of Pearl Harbor, drinker and smoker in his younger years in the Army; he didn’t have much patience for people who felt too weak to handle the tough times in life. He was kind and would give anyone the shirt off his back, but being an orphan at the age of 7, shuffled from home to home, blamed and beaten for the wrongs of the “real” children in the foster homes, he ran away at age 13 and never had another home until he got married. He would say, “Just decide to do what is right and then do it!” That’s how he quit smoking and drinking; he just decided to quit and he did!

OK, for the rest of us- I offer a bit more help!! I can seek to achieve my dad’s ultimate goals of right living partially by making wise choice in the little things so they don’t grow into bigger things, and partially by remembering that I have a God who is on my side, and will, according to my dad’s text for today, “NEVER allow temptations to come to me that I cannot handle.” NEVER! That’s what He says, and that’s what I chose to believe! NEVER!

So, if and when I am “tempted,” I can know, at least in my head, that I don’t have to fall. If it comes to me, again, according to my text, “He WILL provide a way of escape SO THAT I will be able to stand.” “GOD IS FAITHFUL!!” That’s what the text says to me again this morning. “NO temptation will come to me that I, with God’s power cannot withstand, because GOD IS FAITHFUL, and He WILL provide a way of escape, SO THAT I will be able to stand.” I love this promise. If I do fall I have an advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous One.” 1 John 2:1, but I don’t have to. He has promised me victory. The conditional caveat is that I have to know and trust the God who makes this promise. I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again before the year’s out, I find Him in the good times so I have Him in the tough times. When I am hurt, by something someone says or does to me, I can choose to lash out and attack, or I can remember that He will provide a way of escape, according to His divide leading and not my human natural reaction. When I feel “struck” my first reaction is to strike back, but Jesus says, “turn the other cheek.” Maybe that’s so I have time to step back, assess the situation, remember that God has a way out that will be better than mine, and then respond as He would and not as I want. But I have to have decided ahead of time. Now is when I solidify that connection with Him so that when the temptation comes I already have that trusting confidence that will keep me on my feet. NOW is the time to connect on a regular basis SO THAT I already have Him when the going gets tough. He IS faithful; I just have to have discovered and believe that!


Have a great day preparing now for the inevitable tests when they come,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “Sin might not be so attractive if the ‘wages’ were paid immediately.”


PS        On our day off, Union will be making sack lunches for the homeless of People City Mission. This event is on campus in the Atrium and starts at 12. We will make the sack lunches here and then drop them off at the shelter after we are done. If you’re still needing volunteer hours, or if you just want to do something nice, stop by for a bit and help those in need! I think you might just discover that you will be blessed by helping others.
Thank you! "

PPS      Loveology | Open small group. 6:00 p.m. | College View Church young adult room.

PPPS    Campus Ministries is looking for two students interested in leading our Afterglo program and our Small Group Ministries for next year. Talk to Pastor Rich if you’re interested.


PPPS    This Sabbath we’re going to People City Mission to help serve food at the shelter from 11 to 1:30. There are only 4 spots available. Email me at to reserve your spot and get the necessary volunteer form.

Giving is better than receiving :)