Date: January 31, 2019
Subject: It's January 31; Good Morning Union

“What is the greatest commandment?” Matthew 22:36

And Jesus answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart… and love your neighbor as yourself. That pretty much summarized it all.”               Matthew 22:37-40

At our last President’s Council I had the devotional to start the meeting. That was the day I shared in GMU Solomon’s conclusion about life (“Love God and obey Him. That’s the whole duty of man.”) We talked about being able to summarize our purpose for existence so we can be sure we aren’t getting distracted by even good things if they are not the essential things that we say we are all about. As a part of that time together I put them on the spot and asked them to summarize in one sentence why Union exists. I thought you might enjoy and be blessed by the responses of our administrative team:

A safe place to grow in the ways that matter to your life

Creating an environment where young people can find fulfillment in careers by serving God

Being a part of the transformation into adulthood

Where catepillars become monarchs

Classroom and life education that is driven by our faith and God


A place where you can depend on finding God’s calling for your life

A safe place where environment and opportunities for life can find meaning and purpose in Jesus.


Those are unedited, first impressions of your administrative team in one sentence on why Union exists.

The old saying comes to mind right now—if you don’t care where you’re going, any road will do. Union DOES care where you are going and I was honored to sit in the rest of that meeting knowing the passion and the focus of those who have been called to lead our school. You may “be in good hands with Allstate,” but your in “better hands at Union,” because we all believe the best place to be is in “the hands of Jesus.”

Have a great day focusing on priorities so you can proceed profitably with purpose,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day: “Real greatness can dispense with outward show.”  DA 242


PS        Mid America Music Festival guests are on campus. Please be your normal positive hosts. Hopefully they ALL will be your classmates here at Union in the near future. Start welcoming them early! Thanks

PPS      I have a friend named Holly who needs our prayers. She is currently undergoing Chemo treatments for her cancer. She wasn’t able to take her last treatment because her platelets were too low. Without the treatment her prognosis is not good. Her husband came but my office and asked if the Union College family would pray for Holly. Thanks family for praying.

PPPS   Get Ready, Get Set, GO!

February's Service Month Challenge is 1 day away!

The first challenge is on tomorrow. Come by the table in College View Church's lobby between 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. to hand out water bottles and cookies to MAU festival students.