Date: January 20, 2021
Subject: It's January 20; Good Morning Union
Luke 8
“Don’t be afraid, just believe.” Vs 50
Reading this chapter in Luke this morning reminded me that the gospels are the personal efforts of 4 followers of Jesus trying to describe the highlights of their Master’s life. In fact Jesus’ ministry lasted about 3 ½ years, that’s about 1275 days, and the four gospels account for only about 44 of those days. That’s why John ends his version with the idea that, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (21:25). It doesn’t flow like a well-written complete and polished novel, but more like a series of little stories, or vignettes, that impressed those four men as they were trying to understand who this Person is that they have been called to follow. There are 6 major stories in this chapter:
I saw lessons of hope and challenge in each of them this morning that Jesus gave the apostles and a group of women who were traveling with Him.
5 stories from Jesus to the people He was trying to prepare to serve Him. And I read ahead to the first verse of chapter 9 and, equipped with these five stories, Jesus felt His followers were prepared to go out and share the good news, so He “sent them out.” My five lessons I share with you this morning strengthened my commitment to keep on following and learning from Him so He can “send me out,” as well. And you too!!
Have a great day discovering His lessons in your life,
Pastor Rich
Quote for the day: “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Gandhi
PS MAU Youth Directors arrive tonight and will be here until Friday recruiting their summer camp staffs. Check it out and see if this ministry is for you. They’ll be set up in the Atrium.
PPS We’ve extended HeartScan applications because of the glitch in the uGroups system in getting them recorded, but we’ll need to close it off at the end of this week. So pick up your form in Campus Ministries if you want to be a part of this spiritual mentoring program. Let me know if you have any questions.