Date: November 11, 2019
Subject: It's November 11; Good Morning Union
“Even when I am old and gray, do not forget me Lord until I have declared Your power to the next generation.” Psalm 71:18
Today, in Psalms 11, 41,71,101, and 131 (remember the psalm of the date on the calendar and then every 30th psalm from there and I read the whole book of psalms in one month!?), I found several gems, including one of my favorite “focus texts” as I continue “maturing” in age!! I always remember this text because I’m almost 71 and I work with people starting at about the age of 18—therefore Psalm 71:18! I have more career and calling behind me that ahead of me and my greatest goal for the rest of those days is still that when I’m done, YOU are not!! I pray everyday, not that we just try and create programs that you will like, but that you will discover more and more every day, through your total Union College experience, that God IS faithful and He IS able to take you successfully through this life and on to eternal life. I want my life to testify to the reality of that confidence. I have been blessed beyond what I could ever have imagined and if I could live it all over again I might make a few better choices in some of my life, but I would NOT change in Whom I have confidently and consistently trusted in the highs and the lows. I want my gift to you to be an illustration of His power; my prayer for you is that you discover that power more and more every day. “Lord, don’t forget me until I have declared Your power to the next generation.”
A couple other gems from the 5 psalms of today:
Psalm 41- If I have “regard for the weak,” God will:
All that for just caring for those in need around me. I should be willing to care for them even if I didn’t have those 5 results, but add those perks and I’m reminded that God not only has called me to care about those who are down, but I will be blessed, and even rewarded when I do. It's that important to HIm.
Psalm 131- Three short verses that after I read them this morning I said, “What a good reminder to just sometimes “take a chill pill” regarding life and the challenges of the world around me.” I’m not going to be able to fix or solve all the world’s problems. Sometimes I just need to sit back and “be still and quiet my soul” with the reminder that “my hope is in the Lord both now and forevermore.” Example: Climate control-- I cannot fix the problem but I will do all I can to be a responsible citizen in caring for the planet, remembering as a Christian that the preservation of ths earth is not the only hope for self or societal survival. I remember that Jesus is coming to save us and recreate the world back into it's ideal state for our eternal home. Ultimately it's in God's hands. It's so much bigger than me or my efforts, even collectively, to protect the ozone layer or recycle plastics. Though I will continue to care about my planet and recyle, I choose to focus more on offering hope to those who have chosen to focus on self-preservation, by offering a Greater hope with a greater solution! I'll be responsible, but I'll still remember that Jesus has the real solution!
Have a great day in the psalms seeing God’s power, peace and bigger perspective revealed in them,
Pastor Rich
Quote for the day: “There are at least two identifiable types of Christians in the world, those who are saints but remember they are still sinners, and those who are sinners but think they are already saints!”
PS A shout out to all our veterans on this day. Thank you for all you did and continue to do to make and keep our nation and this world a safer place. Today is Veteran’s Day. If you know one, thank him or her!!
PPS Operation Christmas Child boxes are still available!! Pick yours up at Campus Ministries, fill it with fun stuff, and return it to Campus Ministries by the 15th!!
PPPS Don’t forget about student mission and task force Christmas boxes in the ad building lobby!