Date: January 30, 2020
Subject: It's January 30; Good Morning Union

“Cast all your anxieties on the Lord…”           1 Peter 5:7

My dad loved to read and study his Bible. When he died we found a piece of paper on his desk with a list of texts that appear to be the ones he was focusing on at the end of his life. That list has become very significant to me as I continue my journey through life. It was sort of like his spiritual/scriptural legacy that he left us.

One of the verses on his list is my text for today. Peter is summarizing things, as I come to the end of his first letter, with the believers in Turkey (and also to me—and you!) Here are some of the things he suggests in this last chapter:

  1. Care for the people entrusted to you
  2. Practice humility
  3. Be self-controlled and alert (this is the “roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” text!)
  4. Stand firm in your faith, AND
  5. Cast all your anxieties and cares on Him BECAUSE “He cares for you!”

And when I focus on these things, Peter concludes, God will:

  1. Restore me
  2. Make me strong
  3. Make me firm, and
  4. Make me steadfast

Thanks dad, for reminding me of this assurance in your list of texts; thanks God for promising me so much as I stay focused on You no matter what happens.

Have a great day focusing on what is most important,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”                     Winston Churchill


PS        uGather- This week will our speaker will be Pastor Michael Halfhill. Join us in the church at 10:35.

PPS      Mid America Union Youth Music Festival here this weekend. Please make our choral guests feel welcome. They are ALL potential Union family members in the near future!


PPPS    David Yeagley will be here next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, from Sunset Lake Camp interviewing for summer camp ministry opportunities. SIGN UP FOR AN APPOINTMENT ON THE SHEET IN CAMPUS MINISTRIES.