Date: January 30, 2019
Subject: It's January 30; Good Morning Union

Hey everyone—STAY WARM- DRESS WARM- AND BE CAREFUL- IT’S COLD OUT THERE (BUT WE'LL STILL SEE YOU IN CLASS!) I just heard on the Weather Channel that there are below zero temperatures in EVERY state except Hawaii this morning. This is a phenomenon that is setting a record, but guess what the temperatures are predicted to be this weekend? Friday 45 (ABOVE ZERO!), Sabbath 50 and Sunday 55! Hang in there, it’s almost over!

Now, “Good Morning Union”

“Behold I stand at the door and knock…”      Revelation 3:20,21

Quite a familiar text to many. I remember learning it in Junior Sabbath School “a few” years ago! Many times I have thought about and thanked (past tense, she’s dead now!) Mrs Olson who always had “incentives” for us to learn key Bible verses. I still remember them today as I continually add to my repertoire of scripture that I have fixed in my mind. It is mentally stimulating and spiritually invigorating, to say nothing (or almost nothing) about the stability it brings to life as I anchor myself in God’s word.

I summarize this verse—Jesus is knocking (He won’t force His way in to my life, He asks permission to enter) and if I respond and figuratively open the door of my heart He WILL come in and join me in all of life’s activities. That’s the promise- He’s waiting and WILL respond if I let Him. The call in mine.

Have a great day deciding if you want Jesus to join you today for lunch, and everything else that goes with it,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day: “More than any natural endowment, the habits established in early years decide whether a person will be victorious or vanquished in the battle of life. Youth is the sowing time. It determines the character of the harvest, for this life and for the life to come.”  Choose wisely in life!!


PS        Men’s Community Group happening on campus! Come to Campus Ministries from 8≈8:30pm tonight to hang out, talk, eat some food and discuss who God says He is & what that means for us in the context of our everyday lives.