Date: March 23, 2021
Subject: It's March 23; Good Morning Union

No classes today but it’s still enough of a “School day” that I want to write a GMU!!


“I have put my trust in You… I hide myself in you.”   Psalm 143:8


Psalm 23- “The Lord IS my Shepherd, I shall lack nothing.”

  1. “He makes me…
  2. He leads me…
  3. He restores me…
  4. He guides me…
  5. He prepares a table before me…
  6. He anoints my head…
  7. He provides a dwelling place for me….. FOREVER!”


Psalm 53- A disgusting picture of a godless world and its affect, but ending with a glorious promise of deliverance, and for that “we will be glad!”


Psalm 83- This is like a song of desperation that has no resolution EXCEPT a plea of hope that what God promised He will fulfill. I don’t always get an answer to my prayers, but I do have hope that in His time and in His way, He WILL come through. I did not learn that in the hard times, I learned it in the good times so I had that resource of trust available as I wait for His answer and His timing in the tough times. That’s the reason for daily connecting with Him.


Psalm 113- This is the beginning of what is called “the Passover Psalms,” (113-118) which are still read at most major Jewish festivals even today. The Passover was about deliverance from bondage and slavery and they never wanted to forget where they had been and from what they had been delivered. The first two are read before the Passover meal, and the last four are read after. A most interesting insight that came as I read this morning is that they DID look back, but they didn’t stay there—they focused on deliverance and looking forward. I can learn a lesson from that!


Psalm 143- an appeal for deliverance and an expression of confidence in God’s love and mercy. He remembered how God had led, he focused on what God was doing, and he took action to trust God and move forward. Sounds like sound advice!


Have a great day looking back and then moving forward,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “Most of us live our lives by accident- we live as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.”


PS        Christ on Demand 7:30 p.m. | lower level classroom in the library, and on Zoom. Come and connect with new friends but most importantly with the Best Friend you can have, Jesus! This year’s theme is based on 1 Corinthians 13:13, and this week Chala Gebeda will be sharing.

PPS      The Garden | Bible study for women. 8:00 p.m. | Zoom (click the link to learn more)
Join Megan Fleming and Annabelle Harper for some time with Jesus.

PPPS    Announcements for uGather can be sent to Daniel.klein@