Date: November 20, 2020
Subject: It's November 20; Good Morning Union

“… because they take refuge in Him.”            Psalm 37:40

Martin Luther said of Psalm 37, “HERE is the patience of the saints,” therefore this could be a pretty applicable chapter especially for Adventists who know the end of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14! It’s an acrostic psalm, or song, meaning each verse begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It’s also just called “a psalm of David,” and addresses the problem of the apparent triumph of the wicked, which David resolves, at least in part, by recognizing the transitoriness of their seeming prosperity.

Life is full of challenges, especially magnified by the stresses of COVID and other things which can cause us to say things we might not mean or be misunderstood with our best intentions. It’s a time to practice like never before the administration of grace and mercy to all people, AND it’s a time like never before to be focused on God and His word rather than the people around me and their words. I continue to try and focus on the former so I can more appropriately respond to the latter.

Though I do not hold to the idea of “I do my best and God makes up the rest,” I do have this chapter in my Bible color coded around two themes: what I am called to do and what God is already doing.” There’s what I mean:

Me: “Don’t fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong.”

God: “They will soon wither and die away.”

Me: “Trust in the Lord and do good.”

God: “You can dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.”

Me: “Delight yourself in the Lord.”

God: “I will give you the desires of your heart.”

(I’ve also written in the margin of my Bible here, “Because the desires of my heart will only be to delight Him!” If I delight myself in the Lord, He will give me the desires of my heart, because the desires of my heart will only be to delight Him!)

Me: “Commit your ways to the Lord.

God: “I will make your righteousness shine like the dawn.”

Me: “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him”

Me: “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath.

God: “Evil men will be cut off (by God not by me!) and you will inherit the land promised.”

Me: “Turn from evil and do good.”

God: “You will always live securely.”

Me: “Wait for the Lord and keep His ways.”

God: “And I will exalt you.”

Me: “Keep your eyes on the blameless and observe the upright.”

God: “You will have a future of peace.”

Me: “Take refuge in Him.”

God: “I will deliver you and save you.”


Pretty cool list, hey?! I focus on the “Me” ones like trusting, committing, delighting, waiting, being still; as He faithfully does the rest!!

Have a great day focusing on your part of God’s great deal,
Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “If a tiny virus can do this much damage imagine what a mustard seed of faith can do.”


PS        Success as you begin your finals. I’ll be praying for you.

PPS      Family Worship @ 7:30 on front campus! The weather is supposed to be nice and we have plans for progressive bon fires with activities and singing. Join us as we welcome our last Sabbath of the semester. Thank you Shelby and Job, and your team, for providing us such creative options all through the craziness of this semester. Every Friday night you gave us sometime to worship about. You and your team rock!

PPPS   Afterglo will be a part of the bon fire experience. And thanks to Melissa and Faith for your “faithfulness” in providing us fellowship options each Friday night after Family Worship with such an intentional spiritual focus even if we had to end the semester with no food!

PP..S    In case you haven’t heard yet, and so you can plan accordingly for tomorrow, CVC has determined that the safest thing to do right now, in the midst of the pandemic crisis, is to suspend all activities in the church for awhile. Online services will still be available on UTV on our Union College web site. Thanks for understanding and for praying for God’s leading through this crisis.