Date: February 10, 2021
Subject: It's February 10; Good Morning Union

Luke 23


“I tell you the truth, you will be with me in paradise.”          Vs 43


The trials are over, the injustices have been served, and there hangs Jesus on a cross between two thieves, there by their own admission because they deserved it. One cursed Jesus; the other asks to be remembered. And Jesus, even in His dying breaths, was still thinking of others. He forgave those who put Him on the cross; He assured the repentance thief beside Him of his secure spot in the kingdom, even though He did nothing to rectify his evil deeds; He focused on His Father; and then He died.


Every step of every journey through life does NOT always end up like I might hope. Sometimes I fail and can’t imagine why God would forgive me, and sometimes it appears like failure and I see no light at the end of the tunnel. Jesus forgave what I would classify as unforgiveable, and He ended this piece of the story looking like a failure, hanging on the cross. Fortunately, there’s one more chapter in the book of Luke and I know how it ends!


When it seems hopeless I cry out, like the thief on the cross, and God hears me just as surely as He heard that sinner-seeking-salvation hanging beside Him. When I see no victory in sight, I hang on. Like Tony Compolo’s book says, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin’!” (Save an hour this Friday night and watch this--


Have a great day knowing that you are just as valuable as that thief, and the end is just as sure as Easter Sunday!

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall.”


PS        Small Group for everyone- “Loveology”. Join the discussion about Christian dating, marriage and sex. 6-7 PM in “The Well” room at the church, hosted by Savannah and Delanie.

PPS        Thanks again to all who provided warm clothing for the mission. Three of the men at the shelter helped me unload everything from my car yesterday and all they could keep saying was, “God bless you… thank you….” Thanks for demonstrating the “Union Spirit”—AGAIN!!