Date: January 13, 2020
Subject: It's January 13; Good Morning Union

“What should we do?”            Luke 3:10

Welcome back, or “welcome” if you are new to the Union College school family this semester! Hope you all had a great break and are ready to continue your journey with Jesus toward your goal of preparing professionally to serve God and His children in whatever capacity you have been gifted. THAT is fulfilling your calling!

If you are new, Good Morning Union is our daily devotional, shared with the entire campus. It comes each morning and is provided to give you support in your daily walk with Christ and to demonstrate God’s faithfulness as I give Him time each morning allowing Him to bless me so I can bless you. My prayer is that you WILL be blessed and that you WILL in turn be a blessing to someone else. THAT’S the “Union Spirit!” And if nothing else, read the PSs at the bottom of each message. They will keep you up to date with the happenings from Campus Ministries!

So here’s my musings from this morning. I’ve been reading the gospels over Christmas break in preparation for my class this semester. I found John the Baptist “preparing the way” for Jesus to start His earthly ministry. What counsel did he give the people who came to hear him when they asked, in response to his message of repentance, “What should we now do?” That’s the same question my brother asked me when we shared his transformation from atheism to believer in Jesus. Once he refound Jesus his first question was, “So what do I need to do now?” He was dying of a brain tumor and I believe my answer at that moment was 100% accurate. I said, “Absolutely nothing!” You don’t have to DO anything to be loved and saved by Jesus. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you WILL be saved.”

And what do I say to someone who comes to Jesus and is NOT dying, but all visible signs are that there are still many days and years to be alive and to live for Jesus? John summarized it pretty well in his response to my verse for today. Not SO THAT I can be saved, but BECAUSE I AM saved, I WILL respond in some way to His love and graciousness. That’s my view on faith and works!

Four groups of people posed that question to John, and he gave four different answers!

            To the crowd he said, SHARE

            To the tax collectors he said, BE FAIR

            To the soldiers he said, BE HONEST

            And to the rest he said, BE CONTENT

Wouldn’t that be quite the world if all God’s children just did those four things in response to their assurance of salvation?! I wonder what would happen to Union College this semester if we all set those four criteria as our evidence that we love and follow Jesus with our lives? No, I don’t wonder—I think I know!! What do you say? Are you in? Let’s make this semester a demonstration of God’s working in all of our lives as we share, be fair, be honest and be content.

Have a great day focusing on those big four,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      And as you start the new semester remember, -- “Jesus’ most frequent command was, ‘Don’t be afraid.’”