Date: April 22, 2021
Subject: It's April 22; Good Morning Union

And dad’s last category of “absolutes” is his “Absolute Assurance in Christ”


“And THIS is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life…”            1 John 5: 11-13


This last category of texts, that I complied from dad’s final list of favorites, I compiled into what I call “Absolute Assurance.” I don’t “think” or “hope,” I “KNOW!” I know from His word; I know from previous experience; I know by the faith I have built through faithfulness to Him. This was one of dad’s favorite texts:

“And THIS is the testimony:

  1. God gave us eternal life
  2. And this life is in His Son
  3. He who has the Son has life
  4. He who has not the Son does not have life” Any questions? Remember, if it’s important to God, it’s clear in His word.

And the verse goes on, “I write these things to you… that you may KNOW that you have eternal life.” KNOW, not hope, or wish, or plead or bargain, or earn, or whatever other sidestep I make that will try and give me some self-assurance for that which God just flat out promises!

I can know, because God said so; and the “condition” to this “knowing” is whether I “believe in the name of the Son of God,” or not! Have the Son; have life- now and eternally. Period; full stop!

Or if I need additional support, I can always turn to John 17:3, “And THIS is eternal life, that they know Me, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom I have sent.” I don’t have to wonder or worry; I don’t have to beg or bargain; I don’t have to DO anything to have the assurance of eternal life. I just have to know Jesus and He takes care of the rest. And in that I can rest assured, and then live my life like I am a child of the King, promised His eternal inheritance.


Have a great day knowing for sure that you ARE secure in Him,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “I believe in the will to live. I believe in the power of positivity, I believe in optimism, I believe in hope.”         Alex Trebek (and I add, “and I believe in God!”)


PS        uGather- 10:30am in the church. Join us for uGather. We will be dedicating next year’s group of SM and Task Force workers and we’ll be blessed by a former SM, Bethany King, who caught the vision as an SM, and started her own ministry in Colombia.