From: David Kabanje
Date: November 12, 2021
Subject: GMU from Sir Santi Fernandez


Day 4: Miracles


            This past week we’ve looked at God’s calling of Moses. Since Moses is the author of the first five books of the Bible. I figured the beginning is a great place to start. I’ll summarize the week for you:


1. Creation begins in darkness and God speaks time into existence; from uncertainty to certainty.


2. Moses the “shepherd” is at the wrong place but at the right time. God appoints Moses as the “shepherd” of His people because God’s seen and heard His people’s suffering.

3. God has Moses remove his sandals. Moses doesn’t think it’s the right time so he asks God to “Please, send someone else”. Will it ever be the right time?

 All of these stories have a time component.


            If you think about it; Genesis 1, Exodus 2, and Exodus 3 are all miracles. Miracles happen in the context of time. Think about this, God speaks light into existence and the separation of light and darkness (evening and morning) is the “first day”. Our first miracle is time.


            Do you know something else that happens in the context of time? Life.


            As long as you are alive you are at the right time for God to call you. If time has a foe it is space. So often we are on the conquest of space. Like Moses, we feel unequipped. Tools take space. Shoes take up space. Fear takes up space in our lives. But faith—now that takes time. Faith prioritizes time over space.


If you’re like me, each morning you probably say, “What do I need to do today?” And each evening you say, “What did I do today?” Unfortunately, that’s aiming for space. Doing over being. After all, we are not human-doings, but human-beings. When you plan for your day, try to say, “How can I share my time today?” Share time with God in the evening and morning. Share time with your friends, family, and even your enemies. That’s the nature of devotion. I don’t like to say “spending time”, but “sharing” it. When you chase your education/careers, don’t chase after space, but time. Search connection over prestige and I guarantee your success.


            Finally, leave the conquest of space (for what I like to call “spending time”) to Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos. Unfortunately, If you cannot take the time to connect with God and His people, you will spend a few minutes in space(darkness), as opposed to an eternity with God(light). Exodus 3 is the beginning of bad news for Pharaoh. Pharaoh was on the conquest of space at the expense of Israel’s time with God. God appeals to Pharaoh through miracles. He wanted to remind Pharaoh to share his time. Pharaoh ends up losing time when he loses his son. Remember the Sabbath is almost here. Soak in that time with God. Soak in time with your friends, family, and enemies. Rest and experience peace with God. It takes time.

And remember; you are a miracle. You are happening in the context of time. I’m so glad to share time with you this week and today. I love you and may you be the miracle someone experiences today!


P.S. I want to highlight the baker’s dozen for the week. Where I come from when someone is compassionate we call them, “Pan de Dios”(Bread from Heaven—aka mana, aka miracle). Here are my pick for the “bread from heaven” this week. I noticed these wonderful people “sharing time” with others. It’s hard because there are so many but I thought we can highlight some at the end of the week.


Thank you:


Mady Dalbec- Although you had your own workload you were present with a peer this week and I noticed.

Gerry Dodds- When I was on campus really late and I saw your office lit up. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this. Thanks for working late to make sure we get paid :)

Sandy Kolb- For always helping sort out the ongoing “classroom” schedule conflicts at the start of a new semester.

Scott McIntosh- You are a patient man. I’ve seen you painting the Library the last few weeks and you are so kind to all who are working with you and around you.

Debbie Forshee-Sweeney- for being present with students. The nature of your work requires privacy so not enough people know how hard you work (But I see you) and for how many years you’ve been there for so many.

Jolina Console- I’ve heard from several people say that you’ve “shown up” for them this week.

Lorie Brasuell- I’ve shared this with you Lorie but people need to know. I feel you are one of the most consistent presences on campus. You do your work and always prioritize love.

Enoch Alcala- You share food with others in the dorm and never ask for anything in return.

Buell Fogg- I don’t usually see you, but I hear you because your office door is always open for anyone to walk in. And you are so kind to our community members.

Nestor and Claudia Osorio- Thanks for writing a kind note to someone who really needed it.

Drew Allen- for stepping out in courage to mentor younger students.

Jailly Gadea-Sanchez- For making little kids smile :)

PK- for his capacity to lead with love. You are an inspiration brother and it is evident that you share time with God and others.


And so many more.