Date: October 30, 2020
Subject: It's October 30; Good Morning Union

“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart…”      Proverbs 3:5,6

Another focus text from my dad is also very familiar; sometimes so familiar that it’s message can easily be forgotten. I can look a lot of places for direction in my life and I believe it is healthy to search. I also believe that I can search so hard that I end up confused with all the options or distracted that in fact all I have discovered is what I want in life rather than what God wants for my life. Dad’s verse for today reminds me that I am asked to do three things:

  1. “Trust in the Lord with ALL my heart”
  2. “Lean NOT on my own understanding”
  3. “In all my ways acknowledge Him”

And the result? “He WILL make my path clear.”

This may not make sense because the three prerequisites for clarity in my path appear to have nothing to do with clarifying that path! It’s like searching for something by not looking for it! And maybe that’s the point. When I focus on what I’m looking for the best I might get is what I’m looking for. Sometimes that might be good and sometimes that might confuse the big picture. When I focus on Jesus, learning to trust Him and not myself, and accept His direction, I increase exponentially the probability that where I end up will be where He wants me and knows I’ll be happiest without settling for just what I want.

It’s like the time I heard someone talking about the best way to find a future spouse (or not find one if God’s got plans for me that might need me to be single) is NOT to hunt until I find one but to go to sleep socially and focus on what was just described above. It is with those priorities that I increase the probability that I might just discover, without looking too hard, that there is someone there going a similar direction that I am! It’s not about panicking because there is no special person in my life yet; it’s about trusting and focusing on God SO THAT He can bring the right person at the right time in the right way (PRN for all you nurses!)

Absolute focus on Jesus might just be the most absolutely securing thing I can do with my life. I’ve personally seen it work in my life when I focus, and I’ve seen it not work when I get distracted. I highly recommend the former.

Have a great day absolutely focusing on Jesus,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “If you don’t take care of your wellness, you’ll have to take care of your illness.”            Aaron Davis

PS        Family Worship @ 7:30 in the church. Union for Christ is hosting a concert by Jaime Jorge, internationally acclaimed violinist who can make praise and worship come alive on just those four strings!! You won’t want to miss this one (remember Chiz the trumpeter last year?)!! Join us as we welcome another Sabbath.

PPS      Afterglo right after Family Worship, hosted by CABL (Collegiate Advocates for Better Living) We’ll be in the Atrium with a “sweet” surprise that will “warm” your insides and give you a chance to fellowship with each other.