Date: April 13, 2021
Subject: It's April 13; Good Morning Union

“There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”       Romans 8:1


I love this promise, and its ability to be my spiritual barometer in life. Sin brings separation; the Holy Spirit brings conviction that something has come between me and God. As I wrote yesterday, confession brings forgiveness and cleansing. So… where does “condemnation” come in? It doesn’t! In my experience I am at this point in my spiritual journey concluding that conviction comes from God for the sake of assisting me in sensing my separation and providing a way back. Condemnation on the other hand, I believe comes from the devil and has as its only function keeping me from spiritual recovery by convincing me that I am not worthy to be forgiven. I can usually tell the difference in my life between conviction and condemnation. Conviction leads me to repentance with the assurance of forgiveness and a hope in a restored connection with my God if I want to take that road. Condemnation lead me to despair with no hope and a sense of isolation from my Father. The former offers a solution; the latter does not.


“IN CHRIST” is the operative phrase that can keep me from condemnation even if I might need a little conviction when I wander from His ideal for me. If, when I do wrong, I try bargaining, begging, bartering, justifying, excusing, or any other form of “fixing” my sins other than acknowledging them, then that sounds to me more like the “in Christ” is being replaced by “in self.” And my attempts to fix things never turn out very well. IN CHRIST there is no condemnation. In me there is frustration; in the devil there is condemnation; and in Christ there is only conviction for the sake of confession SO THAT He can forgive and cleanse! And that’s good news!


Have a great day without condemnation as you abide IN CHRIST,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “Joseph did not endure the pit, Potipher’s house, and prison, because he knew he would end up in Pharaoh’s palace. He simply remained faithful wherever he found himself. God did the rest.”   H. B. Charles Jr


PS           Christ on Demand 7:30 p.m. | lower level classroom in the library, and on Zoom. This week Irishira Gidioni will be sharing.