From: David Kabanje
Date: February 3, 2022
Subject: GMU: Jacob and the Rockā”¬á

Jacob and the Rock 


Beautiful People, 


 If you walk away from these GMUs with an acceptance of your status and fitness in Christ as a beloved child, then nothing in this world will ever be able to conquer you. The driving force for these devotionals is to inspire and encourage each other to delve deeper into God's unconditional divine sacrificial love for us and then reflect that love to others. If we are not internalizing and reflecting God's love, we've missed the point of the Christan walk. 


With that said, let's get back to Jacob's narrative as he teaches us how to trust Jesus. After his deception, "Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Harran" (Genesis 28:10) to live with his uncle, Laban (more on him and their relationship tomorrow). Exhausted from the mental and physical turmoil, Jacob rested in Luz. Jacob left his home saturated with anxiety and fear. How often does the Devil cripple our courage with anxiety, fear, and personal baggage? Where do we go to relieve our burdens? Jacob found a rock (Genesis 28:11) and had a dream! There are so many strong implications here! Jacob found a rock and rested on it! Let that sink in. Through the biblical narrative, Jesus is associated as a solid foundation to rest our whole being. Could Jacob's story be an innovation to rest on the Rock, regardless of the dispositions of our narratives? I think yes. 


There is relief and restoration to be experienced when we rest our burdens on Jesus. But, unfortunately, we wait until the exhaustion of life leaves us with no option except to look up. What would our narratives be like if we joyfully stayed in the presence of Jesus?


 Part of Jacob's fear was perpetuated by doubt that God had abandoned him; however, God is bigger than our failures. As he slept, he was given a vision where God established the Abrahamic promise to him and said, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you" (Genesis 28:15).

Jacob woke up with an assurance of God's presence. What is radical about this passage is Jacob's recognition of God's omnipresence. God is not afraid to draw near to broken narratives. He is not limited to a church building or a spiritual institution. God is Emmanuel. How we respond to God's nearness defines and reshapes our narratives and causes us to see things and people from a heavenly perspective. Jacob's narrative invites us to respond to the faithfulness of Jesus Christ by saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the Lord[f] will be my God." 



P.S. Today for uGather, Dr. Seth Pierce will share a message that you don't want to miss! See you at the church today at 10:35 AM! 



P.S.S. We have another podcast episode for you! If you are interested in sharing a GMU or want to be on the podcast, please let me know! 


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