From: David Kabanje
Date: November 6, 2023
Subject: GMU: The Gravity of Jesus

Beautiful People, 


I wanted to be an astronaut. Astronomy and physics were pivotal in understanding Christ as Creator. Have you ever wondered what keeps Earth from crashing into the Sun or drifting away in space? These are the questions that keep me up at night. The Sun’s gravitational force is constantly pulling the Earth towards itself. The centripetal force caused by the Sun’s gravity keeps Earth moving along a circular path (I might get an email from a physicist further explaining this concept; if I do, I’ll forward it to you in the next GMU). Now, the Sun’s centripetal force provides an excellent spiritual application regarding surrender and freedom in Christ.

In his didactic on the supremacy of Christ, Paul states, “For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16-17, NIV). 

Christ is the centripetal force that keeps us on the path of life. Without Christ, our lives spiral into confusion and inordinate affections that lead to self-destruction. Just as the Sun holds the Earth in orbit, so does Christ hold our lives in order; however, to fully embrace and experience this way of life takes surrender. 

In 150 B.C., a geocentric model stated that the Sun revolved around the Earth; however, this model was refuted for a heliocentric (Sun-centered) model of the solar system in 1543. Within our spiritual walks, we can choose between a self-centric or Christ-centric model. We can be the center of our universe or allow the Son to hold us together. When we surrender to the stabilizing and healing power of Christ, our lives find forgiveness, order, peace, meaning, holiness, and joy.    

My prayer for each of us is to be centered on Christ, for all things are held in Him.