Date: April 23, 2020
Subject: It's April 23; Good Morning Union

Today is brought to you by the letter O

O taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm34:8

Again, like yesterday, I like the previous verse for a more complete blessing. “The angel of the Lord encamps round about those who love Him and delivers them.” There is only one way to find out if “the Lord is good”—I have to experience it for myself. The challenge, as I have experienced it, is that I can get distracted by my own expectations that I end up defining “good” differently than God does. That’s why I need to add the previous verse to get the context of his “goodness.”

The angel of the Lord DOES “encamp around” and “deliver;” that’s the promise. The condition is that I have to choose to love Him. According to the verse, if I love Him He surrounds me and delivers me from whatever it is that is not good for me according to His wisdom. The evidence of that love is that I trust.

And the promise is that I will be blessed when I choose to trust Him (aka “take refuge in Him.”) But I will never know any of this by theory; it has to be “tasted.” I have to put something on the line, go out on a limb, and find out for myself.

I’m not very good at this. I usually don’t take the dare when someone says, “Try this, you’ll love it.” Especially when they add, “It’s not that hot!” At that point I’m done. I do NOT like hot, as in spicy, foods. No Indian curry for me, thank you! No way. I’m not a risk taker when it comes to food. I don’t want to waste a meal by trying something I don’t think I’ll like. I’m also quite sure I’ve missed out on some great food, but with food I’m ok with that.

But when it comes to God I need to step out and “taste Him.” I have to experience first hand that when I risk love by trusting that He does in fact know what is best, what I have discovered is that it was worth it. I’m reminded of Malachi who says, “Test me and see if I won’t pour out a blessing more than you can handle.” If I don’t try I’ll never know.

Have a great day tasting and seeing for yourself,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”         Albert Einstein

Song with an “O”        “O Lord my God”        try saying the words out loud back to God like a prayer!!  

PS        Today’s uGather is a must! We have a guest with us (virtually) who spoke for the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast last week here in Lincoln and he was supposed to have been our uGather speaker (live) last week until the COVID thing hit. He has agreed to share with us today. Nipun Mehta, founder of “ServiceSpace,” and named one of the most inspiring people in the world will be sharing with us his belief, carried out consistently in his life, that service and caring for humanity is one of the greatest gifts you can give to others and yourself.

Check it out at then join us this morning at 10:30. See you on Union's Youtube channel"