From: David Kabanje
Date: August 26, 2021
Subject: Forgiving Grace (August 25)

Good morning, Beloved People!

My morning prayer for you this morning is for God to give you grace as you run this race.
Speaking of grace, the Holy Spirit impressed on me the value of forgiving grace. My heart is elated and relieved when grace is given to me. For me, grace is the unshackling of chains, chains linked together by debt. The presence and practice of grace take ownership of an individual or group debt. Jesus, our King, took ownership of our debt—a debt that we could never repay. Yet, through His forgiving grace, we are made right with our Abba-Father.  

The best practice of grace is forgiveness. Now, this past week, we have focused on affirmation, acceptance, and unconditional divine love—all beautiful truths of the Bible that are ours to take; however, what is the practical application of receiving these graces into our lives? Well, fundamentally, we are transformed into grace-oriented individuals that lavish others with forgiving grace. Why? Because we know that Jesus has forgiven a debt that we could not repay. In other words, the more grace we have, the more grace we can give. A question to ponder today is, how full is your grace? My hope for our campus is for each of us to become systems of grace and forgiveness. Now, this is not to say that we throw accountability out the window. No. grace takes each action and proceeding consequences into account. As people of grace, let's keep each other accountable for our words and action as we challenge ourselves to grow in Christ. Grace and forgiveness create an atmosphere of growth. Peter, the Apostle, said it best, "Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen (2 Peter 3:18). Spiritual growth is only possible through Christ! As our knowledge of Christ grows and what He had done for us, so too will our grace for each other!

Have a great day practicing grace.

Have a great day stepping into God's unconditional divine love.  
Join us at this Sabbath at 10:30 AM at College View Church for the Well Sabbath School. This is an exciting ministry that you won't want to miss.