Date: March 30, 2020
Subject: It's March 30; Good Morning Union- and welcome back- virtually!

“I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”       Psalm 16:8

Day 12!! Two more to go!

Welcome back everyone, even if it is from afar! Hope your adjustment to our virtual campus and classrooms will not hinder you from getting the preparation needed to continue pursuing your future plans. I also pray that the disruption in all of life has not distracted you from prioritizing your life and your plans around a God who will not fail you. We’re in this together and together we’ll make it. That’s what a successful society is all about, and that’s what a fellowship of believers is all about. God has already won! I continue to focus on that victory as I face the challenges of life. Here’s a little acrostic that I saw on line that I thought was someone’s cute reminder that I can find good even in the bad.




            Viruses &



1:9 Joshua “Have I not commanded you, be strong and of good courage, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


Have a great day back in “school”,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “I might lose battles, but I will not lose my faith, nor the will to keep going with my God because He is already victorious.”

PS        “Today in Quarantine,” presented daily (as in 7 days a week!) by associate pastor Renae Cross at CVC. Join her by friending her on Facebook for the 15-30 minute interactive spiritual connection with God and your young adult friends.


PPS      “Nightly Check In” @ 7pm for 15 minutes. Join via Zoom ID # 529 282 199


Take a moment and listen to the affect music can have as you begin this day: