Date: January 24, 2020
Subject: It's January 24; Good Morning Union

“You are a chosen people…”  1 Peter 2:9

Continuing my journey through 1 Peter and the message of being called, set apart for a special purpose, and not settling, here’s how I saw this morning Peter advancing these themes. “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God…”

  1. Chosen
  2. Assigned to royalty
  3. Set apart for a special purpose
  4. Belonging to God

I’m not just a number! I’m chosen, I’m royalty, I’m special—I belong to God!! I just can’t settle for status quo and conforming to this world; I’ve been called to something greater—and so have you!!

And why have I been called? What’s the purpose of my calling? Peter continues, “that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” As I see my calling more clearly I can’t help but recognize the One who called me and made me this special. And just a little side note as I remind myself that the discovery of my calling came through trauma, challenges, and disappointments, at times, so don’t give up if the calling is not clear right now.

I praise Him because He called me out of mediocrity and settling for just drifting through life; He called me, set me apart for something special. He called me out of darkness and into HIS wonderful light. To discover that “wonderful light” and the fact that I have been called to live in that light is so much more rewarding. I declare the praise of Him who provided all that for me (and for you!)

Have a great day seeing more clearly your calling to something SO much better than “settling” for status quo,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day: “I want to be so full of Christ that if a mosquito bites me she flies away singing, ‘There is power in the blood.’”


PS        Family Worship- 7:30pm in the Church. Matt Mundall and his Union for Christ team will be leading out in this week’s family worship and will feature our Union College Drama Team’s debute this year!! We’ll also hear from our youth directors and a whole lot more!!

PPS      Afterglo- right after Family worship, this week hosted by Claudia and her CABL group and Chantelle and her Small Groups homies!

PPPS    Interested in singing with the old folks? Ritchmy and 5 other friends are going tomorrow afternoon at 3pm and the are welcoming any who want to join them. Contact Ritchmy Richard for more information.