Date: January 18, 2019
Subject: It's January 18; Good Morning Union

“For God so loved… that He gave….” John 3:16

OK, a little diversion from my regular GMUs. I saw this little story in an email and was reminded again this morning of the evidence of real love being investing in others, even sacrificing if necessary, to the one loved. God loved me so much that He gave. My question to myself when I read this story was, “do I love to get, or do I love and give?”

There is a story told of a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, "If I could only see the world, I will marry you."'

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.

He asked her, "Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?"

The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse his proposal of marriage.

Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: "Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine."


Next Monday we will remember Dr Martin Luther King Jr; a man who loved the idea of freedom and equality FOR ALL so much that he ended up giving his life for the cause he believed in. But more than social justice and equality as theories, he put his theories into action as he actually DID what his theories proposed. We’re going to have a chance to do the same. Don’t just call Monday a holiday, or a day with no classes; call it a day to honor a great man by making a difference in someone else’s life. Do something for someone who cannot pay you back.

We have an activity planned for 1:00 in the Atrium (for those who have signed up through their Campus Ministries’ liaisons!) working with Chapter 25 to prepare food for orphanages and famine-stricken parts of the world. Join us or find your own approach to living not just what Dr King believed in, but in what we ALL should believe in- Love as an action verb! Or as Dr Lilya Wagner says in her book, “Caring is NOT a Spectator Sport.”

Have a great day discovering the joy of giving, and get ready for next week when we can specifically make a difference in someone’s life,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day: "In all our associations it should be remembered that in the experience of others there are chapters sealed from mortal sight. On the pages of memory are sad histories that are sacredly guarded from curious eyes. There stand registered long, hard battles with trying circumstances, perhaps troubles in the home life, that day by day weaken courage, confidence, and faith. Those who are fighting the battle of life at great odds may be strengthened and encouraged by little attentions that cost only a loving effort. To such the strong, helpful grasp of the hand by a true friend is worth more than gold or silver. Words of kindness are as welcome as the smile of angels."     Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, p. 158


PS        10 Days of Prayer: at 12 p.m. in the prayer chapel and 7 p.m. in the Heritage Room. Or join us in Campus Ministries @ 1pm for 10 minutes of prayer time.

PPS      Family Worship- our Power Pac continues with Chuck Hagele. See you in the church @ 7:30 (Sorry about last night. I thought it was starting at 7:30; it started instead at 6:45, my bad! J) Come tonight and be blessed by Chuck’s message.

PPPS    Afterglo in the Atrium with Jordan. Hot chocolate and music for this snowy evening, right after Family Worship

P…S      NO ROLLS AT FOGGS tonight because of the weather. Stay off the streets and be safe!!

PP..S    Several new SM/TF positions have shown up lately. If interested contact Ivy, Austin, Keelia or Pastor Rich.

            TF Ozark Academy- assistant chaplain

            Medical Missionary work in Oregon

            Peru this summer with ADRA- check this one out today!! Ortner Lobby

            Music worship leader in Cortez, CO

            Assistant dorm supervisor, teacher assistant, Mission Creek Christian School, South Bend, WA.

            English teacher/Bible worker with Syrian refugees in Lebanon

            China to teach English for graduates only

            Urban Ministry Leader in Florida