Date: January 15, 2021
Subject: It's January 15; Good Morning Union

Luke 5

“…but because You say so I will.”       Vs 5

Two pieces of today’s chapter anchored my journey with Jesus. The first was Simon’s response to Jesus. He and Andrew had fished all night and caught nothing. They were failing at their profession. In the morning, while they were cleaning their nets Jesus borrowed their boat so he could get off the shore and be more visible to the crowd who had come to hear Him. When He finished He told Simon to go back to work and even told him how to do his job. What would a carpenter-turned-preacher know about fishing? But something apparently had stirred the heart of Simon; perhaps what he heard Jesus talking about. I love Simon’s response. “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. BUT because You say so, I will let down my nets.” The result was such a huge catch of fish that two boats almost sunk trying to bring them all to shore. What an amazing response in the midst of his failure… “But because You said it, I’ll do it.” Wouldn’t that be an amazing place to be in life that I have developed so much trust in God that I could have that kind of response when I feel like a failure! Usually I want to blame God or something or someone else for my failures. Simon responded to, rather than rejected, the direction of God. And it doesn’t look like Simon had developed that faith over years of a consistent devotional life; he got it with one early morning sermon by Jesus!

And here’s another lesson I saw in the Simon-Jesus story. Jesus asked Simon to leave everything and follow Him—NOT when he was failing, but when he was at the peak of his success. He had just caught a huge boat load of fish! Sometimes I try and help people who don’t see any other option in life to try God; Jesus challenged, not the failing but the successful to NOW forsake all and follow Him. He gave them the success and then He asked them to leave it and start fishing-- for people, not fish. “I made you successful at catching fish, now join me and we’ll catch people for My kingdom!”

The second lesson in today’s chapter is about the leper meeting Jesus. I just have two phrases highlighted in my Bible:

            The leper says, “IF you are willing, you can make me clean.”

            Jesus says, “I AM willing, be clean.”

Even faith with doubting is rewarded by Jesus! I can’t explain why all sickness is not healed with prayer, or why every problem is not solved instantaneously with prayer, but I do believe that at my lowest time when I might feel farthest from God and even doubt that I am worthy of His goodness and grace, that even with an “IF you are willing to accept me as your child,” the response of Jesus is always, “Of course I’m willing. You’ve never stopped being my child.” Even in my doubts, He is my constant.

Have a great day knowing, trusting and responding to Jesus who is always there,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      "Atheism is a strange thing. Even the devil never fell into that vice, for he also trembles and believes." C.H. Spurgeon


PS        Family Worship- 7:30pm in the church Join us for praise and worship and Josemiguel sharing God’s word with us.

PPS      Afterglo- “Write a card; get a card.” Join us in the Atrium right after Family Worship and begin the semester practicing othercenteredness and appreciation. We’re going write cards to faculty and staff, and if you write at least one, we’ll give the first 50 participants a gift certificate to The Mill. See you tonight in the Atrium.