From: David Kabanje
Date: August 26
Subject: GMU from Jolina Console

Good morning, Beautiful People!

I am privileged to work with fantastic leaders, and throughout this year, you'll get to read devotionals from these fantastic CM leaders. Today's Good Morning Union comes from Jolina, one of our Well Sabbath School coordinators! 

“For the Christian, the opposite of fear is not courage but faith.”  


- Richard Stearns “Lead Like it Matters to God” pg.125


We all face fear, and there are various unpredictable ways we might react to it. These can range from lingering dread or stress to full-blown anxiety attacks, depending on what the cause is. However, an amazing thing happens when we choose to face that fear with Jesus. He can bring us a peace that passes all understanding and helps to turn our fear into faith that God has our backs. But how can we get to that point? How do we overcome that particular type of fear that only comes from facing a new challenge that we’ve never experienced before? 

In my personal walk, one of the biggest things I have noticed that helps the most is repetition. The more I do something like public speaking, or organizing events, or problem solving, the more I feel confident in the abilities and talents that God has gifted me with. 

The downside is that repetition, though helpful, doesn’t always push us to grow in our faith. Most times, I’ve had to dive in, not knowing if I can do something or not, and allow the Holy Spirit to fill in the gaps. Those moments are when my faith has grown the most. I remember the first time I fully allowed myself to give up that space for the Holy Spirit to move. It was tough, but after seeing what He can accomplish, I will forever look back on that experience and know that I chose faith in the Holy Spirit over fear. 

Sometimes, courage is surrendering the way we want things to go into the hands of the Holy Spirit to let Him ultimately shine. That’s what being a ministry leader is all about. It’s never about us or what we can do, but rather, it’s about allowing the Holy Spirit to work and move how He needs, and joining in partnership with Him. When it comes to bridging the gap between fear and courage, we often leave out the faith aspect. I want to end us with this verse and some questions for us to ponder about our own walks with Jesus:


“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) 

In what areas can I allow the Holy Spirit to relieve fear in my life? 

How can I strengthen my faith by conquering fears?


Jolina Console, The Well Sabbath School Coordinator