From: David Kabanje
Date: September 2, 2021
Subject: GMU: A Comparing Spirit

Good morning, Beautiful People! 

Peace is actively withdrawn when we compare ourselves with others. You and I were made in God’s image—a unique masterpiece with a special calling on our life. The spirit of comparison muddles the waters of our value and calling. Paul comes along and reminds us that, “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise” (2 Corinthians 10:12). From Paul’s perspective, and ultimately, God’s perspective, it is unwise (or foolish) to compare ourselves to each other. 

How can a uniquely made masterpiece compare itself to another lest it falls into pride, self-absorption, and depression? Ultimately, who or what we compare ourselves to becomes our standard, our God. I need my standard to be Christ, for he created me and for Him to do good works that the Father ordained (Ephesians 2:10). The crazy part of living up to Christ’s standard is that, by grace, He lives out the life of holiness that I am incapable of living. Glory be to God!  When I live a life that Is focused on Him, peace returns. When I live a life focused on other’s standards, peace diminishes. On whose standards are you living today? I pray that the Spirit of God may abolish the spirit of comparison in our hearts and on our campus. May we become a microcosm of grace, love, humility, and peace. 

Have a great day walking in God’s peace and unique love for you. 

P.S. We have uGather today! It will be at 10:30 AM at College View Church.