Date: November 6, 2020
Subject: It's November 6; Good Morning Union

“Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden…”        Matthew 11: 28-30

“… and you will find rest for your soul.” That’s the promise in this assurance text that I heard my dad quote many times. “It’s not that hard,” he would say, “Love Jesus, trust Him and not yourself, believe what He says, then live like you do.”

“Come”- that’s the invitation to ALL who are worn out trying other ways to gain assurance

And when I “come” HE will give me rest.

“Take my yoke upon you”- a yoke is a heavy wooden beam that doesn’t sound like something I would like to take on when I am already feeling “heavy-laden,” but it’s not my yoke, it’s HIS. Just like a yoke causes two oxen to pull together in the same direction more easily and efficiently, so it is when I decide to put on His yoke—I’m choosing to connect myself to Him so I can go the direction He is going. Going His direction keeps me out of a lot of ruts and I find I don’t have to pull nearly as hard to accomplish the same things.

“Learn of me”- nothing greater to learn than to learn about Jesus, because when I do I find peace in the turmoil of life, purpose for which to live life, and promise that the trail may be rough at times but the outcome is sure because I’m yoked to the guaranteed Victor.

“For I am meek and lowly in heart”- He has nothing to prove in power because He offers it all in love.

“And you WILL find rest.” See above!

“For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” “Quit making it so hard,” dad would say, “If your burden is heavy and the challenge of linking up with Him is hard, you have the wrong burden and the wrong yoke!” Thanks for your spiritual wisdom dad.

Have a great day finding the easy yoke and the light burden of absolute assurance in Jesus,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “I have given Christ countless reasons not to love me. None of them have changed His mind.”

PS        Family Worship @ 7:30 in the church. Join us as we welcome another Sabbath. Tonight come hear our own Ryan Millsap share his spiritual journey,

PPS      Afterglo right after Family Worship, hosted this week by our Nursing Division. Thanks Isaiah and team for creating this option for Friday evening fellowship.

PPPS    Try out the new frisbee golf course on front campus!! Get a group of friends, pick up a score card from Campus Ministries or the Ortner desk, start at the Jesus statue and look west, hit the numbers on the trees! Social distance and wear your mask AND have fun with your friends outside! We’re going to make this!!