Date: February 26, 2019
Subject: It's February 26; Good Morning Union

“We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy.” Daniel 9:18

I like Daniel’s prayer theology. I still am amazed at how much time I used to spend asking God to give me what I want. It was frustrating and confusing as I prayed “in faith, believing” and didn’t get what I wanted. I don’t think I ever really said it, but I’m afraid my attitude toward prayer was much like having a genie in a bottle that I could rub the right way and get my three wishes. Or, when I felt like I was doing pretty well in life I would ask as if I “deserved” what I wanted- I was upholding my part of the bargain by being good; now God, uphold Your part of the deal by giving me what I want.

My prayer life has changed significantly so that right now in my journey I intentionally try NOT to ask for hardly anything, but instead focus on talking to Him about my life and thanking Him for being with me on the journey. It’s not wrong to ask; I just found it very consuming and confusing and distracting from real communication with Christ. My only consistent “asks” right now focus around four texts that I regularly pray back to Him:

            Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit in me

            Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your site

            Teach me your ways O Lord and I will walk in Your truth

            Search me O God and know my heart, test me and know my inner thoughts, and see if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting

I’m sure there are other good ones but those are the “asks” that keep me focused right now. Other than those I continue to learn the important lesson that I don’t deserve anything, but because of God’s great mercy and grace I receive more than I can imagine—IF—I focus on what He wants for me rather than on what I want for me. It’s a lesson I keep learning; it’s the lesson I offer to you today for your consideration!

Have a great day thanking and sharing more than asking,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “Two requests God always welcomes; ‘Lord teach us to pray,’ and ‘Lord give me more faith.’ In others words Lord teach me to stay in your presence, and help me to walk with you.’”   Wesley Wilson


PS        Chapel- hosted by Sandy and her Human Development friends. Taryne Rouse will be sharing her “Glimpse of Jesus.” It all happens in Woods at 10:35

PPS      Young Adults are in a constant shift from one season of life to the next. Maneuvering through life doesn’t have to be happenstance. Let’s work our way together through life’s varying seasons of love, work, disappointments and friends. Our first series, “Love, Sex and Dating,” continues on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. in the Young Adult Room.

PPPS    Christ on Demand, 7:30 in Rees Hall Chapel. Join Amber and friends as we continue looking at prayer.

PP..S    Service Challenge Day 26     Outside the Box

Today's challenge is to be awkward! That's right! Get out of your box and eat with someone who you've never talked to before. It's never too late in the semester to make a new friend! Who knows, maybe you'll be the reason that person has hope today.