Date: January 28, 2019
Subject: It's January 28; Good Morning Union

“I determine to not know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2


When the apostle Paul began his ministry in Corinth, that populous, wealthy, and wicked city, polluted by the nameless vices of heathenism, he quoted my verse for today. When I read it again this morning I remembered the day I traveled to Corinth, in southern Greece, and walked among the ruins of that old city. I actually sat on the ground with my back leaning against one of the ancient pillars still standing and read the two letters Paul had written to this city nearly 2000 years ago. It was a moving experience to imagine what it might have been like for a ship to arrive in port, or a caravan of travelers arriving from Athens to the east and someone said, “Hey church, you’ve got mail! It’s from Paul!” And they gathered together to hear what their beloved leader had to share with them.

Even the secular museums and sites recognize the city of Corinth as both extremely wealthy and extremely corrupt. And it was HERE that Paul helped establish a church; not in some isolated convent-type hideaway, but in the middle of heathenism. And he did it with the commitment of my text for today.

I can go a lot of places and be with a lot of people who are different than me—and THAT IS what we have been called to do—be salt and light to the world. Jesus said, “I did not take you OUT of the world, I placed you IN the world, but not so you could mingle with and become impacted by the ways of “the world” but SO THAT you can impact the world for ME!” And I do it by fixing today’s text in my mind and in my heart SO THAT whatever I do, wherever I go, with whomever I meet, I determine to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Without that focus I am toast and life gets VERY confusing- too much of the world to enjoy Christ, and too much of Christ to enjoy the world!


Have a great day first focusing, then following the call of Jesus to “go into ALL the world and preach the gospel;” use words if necessary!

Pastor Rich



Quote for the day: “I know Facebook has never cause the lame to walk but it sure has caused the dump to speak!”


PS        Union College Board meets today. If you see “old people” on campus tell them thank you because they are the ones that keep Union alive and well.

PPS      MAU Youth directors will be here all day giving you the opportunity to work as summer camp. Talk with them in the Ortner Lobby. Also, free ice cream from these guys to you at lunch in the café!!