Date: September 4, 2019
Subject: It's September 4; Good Morning Union

2.“Teach me Your ways O Lord and I will walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart that I might honor Your name.”           Psalm 86:11

My second verse that I pray back to God, once my focus is undistracted, is again a two-fold request.

  1. “Teach me Your ways…”
  2. “Give me an undivided heart…”

I want to continue learning every day of my life. I think the day I quit learning is the day I start dying, or at least deteriorating. But what do I want to learn? A LOT of things is the answer! I love to learn, but I first want to learn God’s ways. “Knowledge puffs up,” and can cause pride, so it’s not just the accumulation of information that I’m after. “Wisdom,” I believe, is applying what I learned to life so it becomes useful in the big scheme of things. Wisdom is like seeing all the stuff from God’s perspective. I want to learn all I can, and I want God to teach me all He can SO THAT the result of all the stuff I learn I end up “walking in His ways.”

And the last half of the verse reminds me of yesterday’s verse. I want focus—on God—I want an “undivided heart” SO THAT I will walk in His ways and not just mine; SO THAT it’s His wisdom that I am attaining and not just my knowledge. So now I have a “steadfast spirit” from yesterday, and an “undivided heart” from today! I don’t find Christianity effective in my life when it’s optional, when it’s convenient, (or when I’m in trouble!) I find it effective when it’s my highest priority. THAT will bring “honor to His name” and clarity, direction and purpose to my life.

Have a great day discovering the joy of a steadfast and undivided heart for Jesus,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “Advice from a tree: Stand up tall and proud; sink your roots into the earth; be content with your natural beauty; go out on a limb; drink plenty of water; remember your roots; enjoy the view.”            Ilan Shamir     


PS        Remember uWorship is your WEEKLY documentation of your involvement in the spiritual life provided at Union College. EACH WEEK you need to go in to uGroups, open the uWorship app, and check three things from the list that you participated in that week. It will only take you about 15 seconds but EVERYONE needs to do it EACH week!