Date: November 15, 2019
Subject: It's November 15; Good Morning Union

“He who does these things shall never be moved.”   Psalm 15:5


The final verse of another psalm I fixed in my memory years ago. I like the idea of stability, of being anchored in something strong. David concludes this psalm with the idea of “never being moved.” He prefaces that conclusion with 11 prerequisites to attaining that level of stability. I first reminded myself that it does NOT say, “He who does these things will be loved more by God,” or “earn salvation and eternal life.” It just says that I will “never be moved.” This is not, for me, a matter of salvation, but it is a matter of spiritual security on the journey!

And as I reflected on the 11 prerequisites to stability I summarized them into 2 rather familiar conclusions made by Jesus when He was asked, “What the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus replied:

  1. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength,” and
  2. “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus then said, “ALL the laws and the prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 34-40

David’s list of prerequisites for stability mirror Jesus summarization of the law. Follow God, do what’s right, be honest, be fair, be kind. Stability, I concluded again this morning, is obedience to God’s two great commandments (and in detail, the original 10!) Salvation comes because I believe; forgiveness comes when I confess; and stability in this life, while I live in HIS cleansing and I wait for HIS return, comes when I remember to “love the Lord with all my heart, and then love my neighbor.”

Have a great and stable day in Him,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “A church that does not do outreach is not a church; it's a club,”  Daniel R. Jackson


PS        Family Worship will be presented by Jose Rojas. See you in the church at 7:30.


PPS      Afterglo- provided by Adrianna and her IRR friends. Join us right after Family Worship in the IRR building for a time of Sabbath evening fellowship.


PPPS    We just “bought” a few more days for Operation Christmas Child boxes. Enjoy finishing them up this weekend and bring them to us on Monday.