
We've collected some resources to help you prepare for your career. Don't hesitate to contact the individuals and organizations found here–you never know when an email or phone call will make your career. We're always updating this page so check back often (and if you think of something that should be on this list, let us know)!

Internships and Jobs

How to document your internships (look at this before your start your internship!)

Handshake (in your Union Portal)

Nelnet's Internship Program

Bozell Internship Program

Collection of Job Boards

Professional Organizations

These organizations host regular events in the community that can be great educational and networking opportunities! They may also have job boards or run design competitions. (And don't forget to find them on social media!)

AIGA Nebraska

AAF Omaha

AAF Lincoln

AMA Lincoln


List of Mentors

Local Agencies

Here's a great list of Nebraska agencies, on the website The Nebraska Creative.

And don't forget most large organizations have in-house agencies (Nelnet, healthcare, etc).


Don't be afraid to apply–your work is great! And if the entrance fee is a serious barrier, come talk to us!

American Advertising Awards (aka The ADDYs)

AIGA NE Designing Opportunity Scholarship

AMA Prism Awards