Date: November 5, 2020
Subject: It's November 5; Good Morning Union

“WHOEVER believes in Me HAS eternal life.” John 3:36

Dad’s assurance texts continue. Two operative words in this text—

WHOEVER- that’s pretty inclusive

HAS- that’s pretty secure

“WHOEVER believes in Me,” says Jesus through John, “HAS eternal life.” PERIOD!! With that confidence I enter today, thankful for such a loving God, and committed to live my life as if I believe what He says, because I do!! “Great peace have they that love Your word, nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165

Have a great day living like you believe His promise,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      “Fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.”

PS        uGather @ 10:30 in the church. Join us as we “build community in Christ,” and hear from some of our IRR graduates who have invested their training in community service. Brock Mayer and Kory Meidell are IRR graduates that have come back to share their experiences since graduating from Union College.

PPS      Marcus Larivaux, pastor from Allon Chapel, will be in Campus Ministries this afternoon from 1-3 to offer additional pastoral support. You can make an appointment by contacting Pastor Larivaux at or mobile 862 600 8399 or just stop by. We are very grateful that we can offer a variety of pastoral counseling for you.

PPPS   Prayer Warriors @ 6:30 and 7 in the ad building amphitheater. Come let us pray for you or pray together with you.