Date: March 16, 2021
Subject: It's March 16; Good Morning Union

“So, be still, and know that I am God.”          Psalm 46:10


Psalm 16- I summarize this song with these words; complete stability comes from complete submission to God. That’s the message I see in this psalm of David. “I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”


Psalm 46- Often called “Luther’s Psalm,” he would sing it in his times of trouble and eventually paraphrased it into the hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” I especially like the first and the next to the last verses that I fixed in my mind long ago and still use this as one of my anchors in life. My commitment and His promise: “God IS my refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble…. So, BE STILL and know that I am God.”


Psalm 76- Written to celebrate Israel’s defeat of the Assyrians, it’s a statement of recommitment as a nation to following God and His ways. “Make commitments to God and then fulfill them.” Faithfulness to the Father is still the key to finding and keeping the anchor through life’s storms and challenges.


Psalm 106- This was a national hymn of Israel, closely connected to yesterday’s Psalm 105. It recounted the history of the nation including their chronic disloyalty to God and the consequences they suffered from their poor choices, in hopes that they would learn their lesson. Though it included conclusions like “while they were bent on rebellion, they wasted away in their sins,” it also includes their request, in spite of their sins, “Save us, O Lord our God, that we may give You thanks.” They didn’t give up, and neither did God.


Psalm 136- Known to the Jews as “The Great Hallel,” it’s meant to be sung responsively. 26 times the leader expresses some form of “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” And the “choir” or respondents say, “His love endures forever.” After 26 times two things are pretty much fixed in the mind of the worshipper:

  1. God is good
  2. And His love will last forever

So “give thanks!”


Have a great day knowing why to give thanks to an always good and loving God,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      “Worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good stuff.”           Charlie Brown


PS        Christ on Demand 7:30 p.m. | lower level classroom in the library, and on Zoom. Come and connect with new friends but most importantly with the best friend you can have, Jesus! This year’s theme is based on 1 Corinthians 13:13, and this week Ben Holdsworth will be sharing.

PPS     The Garden | Bible study for women. 8:00 p.m. | Zoom (click the link to learn more)
Join Megan Fleming and Annabelle Harper for some time with Jesus.

PP..S    Pastor Gua is not able to be in the office this week. Sorry. Come see her next week!

PP…S    Remember that one of our nursing students has been displaced from the apartment fire yesterday morning at 27th and Hiway 2. If you would like to help us support her in this time of loss you can bring your donation to Campus Ministries today. At this point they just need money to get through until they are allowed back into their apartment to see what is salvageable. Thanks in advance for demonstrating the Union Spirit AGAIN.

PP…SS              If you have any announcements you would like to be on the big screen at uGather, send them to by Wednesday evening. We’re happy to help promote any official activities on campus.