Date: January 29, 2019
Subject: It's January 29; Good Morning Union

Here is the conclusion of the matter…”         Ecclesiastes 12:13

I like clarity! I like when things are clear enough that there is not a lot of room for interpretation (or more likely misinterpretation!) Solomon was a king who had it all, lost most of it, and then regained life perspective again at the end. I agree, by the end he got a little negative in his outlook on life but for the most part he seems to put things back in their rightful place pretty well.

Today’s verse is an example. He pretty much had everything, squandered most of it, and ended up with only a philosophical perspective on life that hopefully I can learn from. “Here is (his) conclusion of the matter:

  1. Respect God
  2. Keep His commandments

That’s all he said! THAT was his “conclusion for life!” After it was all said and done in his life all he said was “this is what I haven’t done,” but should have.

So my ah-ha as I look back on life is pretty close to Solomon’s:

  1. Love God
  2. Follow God
  3. Serve God
  4. Live for God

Sorry I’m more wordy than Solomon, but that’s what I believe; that’s what I have set as my focus in life; that’s what I recommend to you. That's a daily decision I must make if I want to make sense and have stability in this life.

Have a great day learning from your elders to improve your life both now an forever,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day: “While God’s hatred for sin is as strong as death, His love for the sinner is stronger than death.”  EW  DA 57


PS        Chapel- We’ll start with our MAU Youth Directors sharing their vision for summer camp ministries. Then our reschedule (from last week’s snow day!) Gary Thurber, Mid America Union President and chairman of the Union College board will be sharing his “Mission and State of the Church” in light of the recent compliance issues. You won’t want to miss this one; 10:35am in Woods.

PPS      Young Adults are in a constant shift from one season of life to the next. Maneuvering through life doesn’t have to be happenstance. Let’s work our way together through life’s varying seasons of love, work, disappointments and friends. Our first series, “Love, Sex and Dating,” continues on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. in the Young Adult Room.

PPPS   Christ on Demand, 7:30 in Rees Hall Chapel. Join Amber and friends as we continue looking at prayer. Pastor Rich will be sharing thoughts on this topic.