Date: April 6, 2020
Subject: It's April 6; Good Morning Union

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." ~ Psalm 23:4 NKJV


Here’s a little something I saw on line that was intended to get my thoughts off of just myself and on to the world around me. WHAT IF:

            On Sunday I focused on Scripture and found something that blessed me and shared it with someone else?

            On Monday I focused on praying for all the medical professionals who are working so hard to care for the people affected by this pandemic. Which of them comes to mind when I pray; then reach out and encourage them in some specific way.

            On Tuesday I recommitted myself to making decisions and drawing conclusions ONLY from reliable information. My medical son says, “Only trust the CDC and your local health department. Everything else is editorialized!” Good advise in these troublesome times.

            On Wednesday I prayed for wisdom, specifically for those who are trying to find a cure for the virus and for those who are leading us at whatever level they are at. Thank a leader today.

            On Thursday I chose to think positively and share that positivity with someone else. The cup is half full or half empty; it’s either partly sunny or partly cloudy; the choice is mine. We WILL get through this and I believe we will come out stronger. Encourage someone today.

On Friday I focused on faith and the fact that this is a PANdemic not a PANICdemic! I am also positive in Whom I believe and put my ultimate trust.

And on Sabbath I focused my thoughts around those who are sick and have been affected by this virus; them and their families.


It’s seems like a healthy reminder, in these times of isolation, that a very healthy response to confinement is to intentionally reach out to someone else, even if it has to be virtually, and bless their lives.


Have a great day making a difference in someone else’s life today,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:      "People don't drift toward holiness, they drift toward compromise and call it tolerance, and drift toward disobedience and call it freedom."        D. A. Carson

PS        “Daily Bread” blog at noon on CM Instagram and then archived on CMyoutube. Join is for 15 minutes of interactive Bible study with Caleb Haakenson and guests.

PPS      Text your prayer requests to 256 257 0149

PPPS    “Today in Quarantine” presented daily (as in 7 days a week!) by associate young adult pastor Renae Cross at CVC. Join her by friending her on Facebook for the 15-30 minutes interactive spiritual connection with God and your young adult friends.


PP..S    “Checking in” each night @ 7; Zoom ID # 529 282 199

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