Date: January 22, 2021
Subject: It's January 22; Good Morning Union

Luke 10


“Go and do likewise.”             Vs 37


Sandwiched between challenging thoughts from Jesus about being His messengers to the world and a discourse in the home of Mary and Martha about getting distracted by the good at the expense of maybe missing the best, Jesus shared the story of the Good Samaritan.


I’m intrigued by the number of times Jesus answered questions either with another question or a story. There might be a good life-lesson in that for me to ponder! Giving an answer can make a person dependent; giving a person the tools and the opportunity to find the answer might have much more long-lasting effects!


The “expert in the law” asked what he needed to do to be saved; Jesus responded with a question; the expert gave the right answer; and Jesus affirmed him. How true it is that I often already know the answer to my questions about life; sometimes I just need someone to remind me or reaffirm me of that fact.


Everything could have been fine if the “expert in the law” had just listened to and applied the law that he already knew! But there was apparently a hidden agenda for this man who “wanted to justify himself.” Apparently, the law he knew was in contradiction with the life he led and he was looking for a legal loophole to excuse his behavior. Jesus saw right though it and told him a story; the story about a Samaritan, not a Jew, that understood and applied the law to life. Even the expert had to agree. We don’t know “the rest of the story,” but I hope he learned his lesson for life! The law says:

  1. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and,
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.”        Vs27


The application for life:          “Show mercy.”


Now, “Go and do likewise.”


Have a great day being an expert in the law of Jesus by showing mercy, and being merciful to those you come in contact with today,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      "Wouldn't it be amazing, to change someone's life by loving them, way beyond what they deserve?"


PS        Family Worship- 7:30pm in the church sponsored by your Union for Christ team. Joel has arranged for Conrad Vine, President of Adventist Frontier Missions, to come and share his journey with Jesus. Join us in the church for praise and worship as we welcome another Sabbath.

PPS      Afterglo- sponsored by Rebekah and her CABL team (Collegiate Advocates for Better Living). Join us right after Family Worship in the Atrium for more great music and great fellowship.

PPPS    Today is the last day to join HeartScan. Pick up an application in Campus Ministries and be a part of our spiritual mentoring program.

PP..S    Sunday at 10:30 join Adam and Megan as we bring cookies to police and fire stations around Lincoln, thanking them for their great service and care for our community. It will be easy, it will be fun, it will be a great way to get service credit or just to go out and do something nice for someone else!