Date: March 24, 2021
Subject: It's March 24; Good Morning Union

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me.”        Psalm 54:4


Psalm 24- sung first, reportedly, as David brought the ark to the temple for the first time. When I read it this morning it sounded like an impossible works-directed demand for perfection before I can “enter His temple.” Remember my axiom- if it doesn’t make sense, keep reading? Well, I kept reading because I didn’t like what I had seen. The song ends with the “King of glory,” being the One who fulfills all those “entrance requirements,” which I cannot meet. Then HE “worthily” enters, AND He brings with Him all His children! Thank you “King of glory” for inviting me to join you in Your temple, not because I am worthy or because I have achieved, but because YOU have!


Psalm 54- David continues to face his life trials, and he continues to depend on God for his strength. That’s a very consistent position for David, and a great lesson for me.


Psalm 84- The first part was the inspiration for an old hymn; the last part is another piece of God’s word that I have fixed in my mind as a reminder of the joy and blessings that come from a focused life:

            “Better is one day in Your court than a thousand elsewhere.

            I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord, than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.

            The Lord God is a sun and a shield; He bestows favor and honor; NO GOOD THING DOES THE LORD WITHHOLD FOR THOSE WHO WALK UPRIGHTLY.”


Psalm 114- a short little “look back” at how God had delivered Israel with a reminder that that same powerful God will be powerful enough for us too when we put our trust in Him.


Psalm 144- a little longer version of 114; extolling God’s power, in war and in peace, for those “whose God is the Lord.”


Have a great day knowing where your strength comes from, in the good and the bad times,

Pastor Rich


Quote for the day:      "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now."          Richard G. Scott


PS        Loveology | Open small group. 6:00 p.m. | College View Church young adult room
In Loveology, John Mark Comer breaks down what relationships are all about. Sex, love, marriage, romance, dating and singleness—what went wrong after the Garden of Eden beginning? God thought the whole thing up—what does he have to say to us now? Learn a new theology of love that could change everything for you.