Date: October 3, 2019
Subject: It's October 3; Good Morning Union

“See what love the Father has for you, that you should be called children of God, and so you are!”  1 John 3:1

Resilient disciples are Christians who (3) are committed to Jesus personally and affirm He was crucified and raised from the dead to conquer sin and death- for them personally.

Kinnaman says, “Resilient disciples express a feeling of intimacy with God, a closeness that frequently seems lacking in the experience of habituals, nomads, and prodigals. Though we claim as a society to desire intimacy, in reality we practice isolation, an opposite characteristic to intimacy. Barna identifies what he calls “digital Babylon;” as a primary source of false security based on the perpetual exposure to the evils in the digital world even when our intent is to use the digital world for all the good it also contains. And, he continues, digital communication, even though it has increased exponentially the number of “connections” to society, lacks intimacy; that personal eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart connection with another person. And then when I try and have that intimate connection with Jesus I struggle with that social skill becoming a spiritual-skill because it has gone undeveloped, or at least underdeveloped, because it is easier to text than to talk- and God doesn’t text!

Controlling my exposure to digital mediums has helped improve my interpersonal skills with people and with God. Not always easy, but always valuable because deep down I want my heart to connect with people and with God. Resilient disciples have retrained themselves in the art of communication at its deepest level and that carries forward to their ability to do the same with God. As I practice this skill I encounter the best Friend I know who personally loves and cares for me and has done EVERYTHING I need so I can only look forward to His potential in me for the future, and not look back at my inabilities and failures of the past. I highly recommend building an intimate friendship with the best Friend you could ever have; deeply and personally.

Have a great day connecting, deep down and personal,

Pastor Rich

Quote for the day:     "Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."         Martin Luther King, Jr.


PS        uGather “Celebrating Community in Christ.” This week we welcome Gina Creek, Union grad, Campus Ministries grad, and currently Leadership development director for Advent Health in Orlando, Florida. See you @ 10:35 in the church

PPS      This Friday night there will be no Family Worship in the church because our faculty and staff are inviting you to their homes for supper and a Sabbath evening real home “Family Worship.” They are trying to be sure everyone gets invited. IF for some reason you have been missed you are still invited! Stop by Campus Ministries and we’ll help you be able to participate if you wish. We don’t want anyone to slip through the cracks. EVERYONE is invited. If you haven’t been invited yet don’t take it personal! If somehow we missed you let me know and we’ll get you connected. We have a spot for you too!